Crunch Tators were similar to and possibly the same thing as kettle chips made by Frito Lays that had a major texture crunch due to their thickness. The spicy chips came in two flavours: "Hoppin' Jalapeno" and "Mighty Mesquite BBQ", and featured a cartoon alligator mascot. You might remember the chips from a bit of product placement in the 1990 Christmas classic Home Alone, where a bag of Crunch Tators sat next to a can of Pepsi in the background while Kevin McCallister (Macaulay Culkin) watched Angels With Filthy Souls while also eating a big bowl of ice cream.
Kettle chips weren't widely available in the 90s in quite as many forms as they are now. Jay's Krunchers and Zapp's were the other widely distributed product that resembled modern kettle chips.