Discontinued Foods Wiki
Discontinued Foods Wiki

Wiki made December 31, 2021.

This wiki is all about the classic foods that were sadly discontinued, either if they were delicious or had wild flavors of any kind that made us absolutely jumpy, we still longed our lives with these nostalgic snacks. There have been some times that have been rough for us to show nothing but shedding tears to saying a final goodbye to the foods that have been discontinued, with some companies exposing very little information about the discontinuation. Many companies even try to make copies of the foods to make them taste exactly the same and design to look the same, but the new ones will never replace the old ones. We are only adding the ones which are currently discontinued, these foods hold a current special place in our hearts.

If your familiar or know a food too that you adored and was taken off the shelves, make a page.

Community Rules

  1. No profanity, if you do, you will be permanently banned with no exception.
  2. Do not make articles that contain little to less information or if they simply just don't make sense, if you do: it will either be targeted for deletion or will be plugged to a normal article.
  3. Use simple language and avoid jargon, we will reflect or report you to take justice on your actions if you decide to disobey us.
  4. Childish comments are not welcome here (Ex: I need a time machine to get (name of company to release (name of food) or threatening to enslave the company and all of the other users who have posted childish comments on here before (Ex: "I will not quit throwing a fit over [whatever food]")! Also, please do not say "Sorry about the problem to (name of whatever food)!"
  5. Use proper words and tidy grammer behavior, you will be kicked, banned, or temporarily fused out of this wiki and you ARE NOT WELCOME BACK.
  6. Please do not make pages of CANCELLED foods that made a COMEBACK, (Ex: Dunkaroos, Cheez Balls, Kellogg's Eggo Cereal, Oreo O's, Wonder Ball, Crispy M&M's, Surge, French Toast Crunch, Clearly Canadian, Twinkies, Sour Punch Grape Straws, Red Ropes, Jell-O Pudding Pops.)--if you do, it will be marked for deletion, but if i found out the cancelled foods came back myself, then I will delete my articles myself.
  7. Pleased do not post a page that already exists!
  8. Please capitalize every discontinued food on here if you make a page: (Ex: Kudos Granola Bars.)
  9. Please be calm if a food ever gets discontinued, because it's pretty common for that to happen.
  10. Please do not post sex related comments (Ex: "I think lesbians should like Oreo Cakesters more.")--oh, and please don't flirt or be lewd with ANYONE!
  11. Do NOT gossip about foods.
  12. Whatever you do, please don't insert trailers neither logos of the discontinued snacks, please just add a photo, oh, and a description.
  13. Please don't link any pages to Wikipedia, Miraheze, IMDb, or Deviantart, just link them here on Fandom. However, Twitter and Dailymotion are okay.
  14. Do not submit false information about the food.
  15. Don't try to fool people into believing you are someone else, that goes for impersonating other users or anyone else, or cosplaying as famous/rich people, don't act like you don't know it.
  16. Death threats or threatening another user will result in a permanent ban.
  17. Do not include RUMOURED or FALSE foods that aren't fully confirmed to be truly discontinued.
  18. This site is not a petition site to urge companies to rerelease the discontinued foods that are on here.
  19. Please do not spam the same words over and over again, you will be banned if you DO THIS.
  20. Do not add the words "cancelled" or "discontinued" next to the snack's title.
  21. Please don't put question marks at the end of "cancelled" or "discontinued".
  22. Please, do not ask or state when or if a certain snack on here will be released in a certain future year (Ex: "Apple Newtons may be coming back in 2024")!
  23. Please, no SPOILERS!
  24. Feel free to express interest on if the food were to still be in stores and express how you'd feel if these foods if they ever came to again surface if you want to, that is optional.
  25. Give accurate reasons and full reasons why these snacks were attempted to be discontinued/cancelled, but were unfortunately discontinued (for great snacks) or fortunately discontinued (for terrible snacks).
  26. Please do not start fights in the comments or discussion tables, using mean swear words such as "Hate you (Whatever user on on this wiki)!", "You suck!", "Go touch grass!", "Go suck this!", ... etc. Those comments are mean, rude, offensive, and inappropriate to other people just to hurt their feelings, it doesn't matter who started it, both or many with result with a banned penalty. As always, please keep language PG-13.
  27. Do not add any categories related to movies, celebrities, companies, etc. to a blog, as that will only clog up the wiki. Anyone who does this will receive a warning, because only discontinued snack-related categories are allowed.
  28. Refrain from using swear or flaming words (exclusions include if there are those swear words in quotes).
  29. Pages created by trolls and bypassers will be DELETED.
  30. Don’t perseverate or be cheesy with the fonts.
  31. Joke pages are strictly prohibited.
  32. Do not comment stuff like "I'm a veteran of the US navy", “Have you watched the Super Bowl”, or "I was in the WWE competition"--Because this has nothing to do with this page.
  33. Do NOT post pictures other than discontinued foods! Do not post pictures of memes, animals, or people, and of kissing, hand holding, triggers, censors, romantic event gestures, breasts, boobs, bras, nipples, weddings, dates, honeymoons, illegal drugs, anaglyphs, sabotages, vouchers, marijuana, misuse of prescription drugs, paraphernalia, pills, syringes, pipes, graffiti, alcohol, clout, suicide, including references to or depictions of drunkenness, tobacco, e-cigarettes, e-liquid, vapes, buttholes, inhalers, hookas, spliffs, beers and hennessey's, bombs, weapon-makers, limbs, stouts, firearms, blackmailers, and gorey images.
  34. Do not send links of VPNS, downloads, and basically money wasting apps that are lousy as heck.
  35. Do not misspell foods, (Ex: Altoid Surwers---corrected to: Altoid Sours), it's totally fine as a mistake, we're just giving a quick tip about it so you don't have to make the same mistake again.
  36. Reasons for deleted comments are poor grammar, malicious propaganda, harassing others, baseless insulting or if the comment makes no sense and isn’t work safe.
  37. Please, do not yip, whine, cry, throw fits, go on tangents and or complain about snacks being cancelled or just be whiny in general. If you whine, throw a fit, cry and or complain about any snacks, I will delete every comment on every page that I or someone else submitted. I especially do not want to hear "So and so (as in certain name of snack eg. "Pizza Spins would be epic if they made a comeback.")
  38. Please, no bots around this wiki!
  39. Do not chain message. It doesn’t matter if it’s a discussion page, forum page, blog page, of user page. It’s not okay.
  40. Do not add the fact that the snack has a toxic fanbase, this will likely cause a foe battle of trampling drama and will drown everyone's messages in the group wall.
  41. Please do not make articles about other users, this will make them get karma on you.
  42. Do not disrespect other people's opinions about the discontinued foods.
  43. Please don't judge others by their race (Ex: Black, White, Furry, Somali, Jew, Muslim, Redhead, Tajik, Gay, Hispanic, Asian)--Do not start bigotry, every single person is more than welcome.
  44. Don't act the use of third party programs.
  45. I will NOT be tolerating liars, rivals, and fibbers.
  46. Be as formal as possible whenever editing.
  47. Please do not state whatever year (2016 or whatever other year) was not a good year, because that is not appropriate on here and has nothing to do with this site.
  48. If you want to chat with someone, please just don't use porn or homophobic slurs.
  49. Please don't post advertisements or solicitations of tuitions business in the comments.
  50. This is not a Fanon or Semi-Canon wiki. Fan-content/Semi-Canon-content is NOT welcome on official pages, nor can it be made into pages. It is only allowed on User Pages.
  51. Please do not ask personal questions like where other users live, their phone number, location, or any other personal question that is better kept in private security that should not concern you or among other viewers.
  52. Do not mention "I have that food, it's not discontinued!" - that's probably because you bought it a long time ago and didn't even eat it.
  53. Do not add as a redeeming quality "if (Name of whatever snack) had better planning, it would be still in stores", or “If (Name of whatever snack) had a little more time, it would still be here”, because it is generic and doesn't add to the article.
  54. Be clear, avoid esoteric or quasi-legal terms or dumbed-down language with your adherence, Be plain, direct, unambiguous, and specific. Avoid platitudes and generalities. Even in interpreted guidelines, help pages, and other non-policy pages, do not be afraid to tell editors of the Discontinued Foods Wiki directly they must or should do something.
  55. No threatening, bashing or leaguing users. If that's a personnel dispute, solve it on your own. Admins will only step in as a last resort.
  56. If you want to discuss something private to Koolcyborrgforlife only, please ask first.
  57. No marionette sock puppetry/meat puppetry.
  58. Do not duplicate or make any of the pictures smaller posted on pages.
  59. No necroposting. If you see such a thread like that, please contact the admin and will surely remove it.
  60. Make templates that are useful. If you have a urgent template talking about your bad actions from the past or a apologizing, it’s okay to ask permission to Koolcyborrgforlife first.
  61. Do not type in all caps, unless you're abbreviating something. This is generally considered as "shouting" at someone and it's also considered rude. If all-caps content are spelled too long then it's also considered shouting.
  62. No harmful and insulting content directed to the wikis and to their users posted off-site; in addition, no excuses like "it's a joke", "it is not to be taken seriously" will be valid. Regarding how old the offending content is, it will be up to the administration staff to decide but know that generally the harmfulness of verifiable malicious content doesn't expire after a certain period of time.
  63. Vandals with the same IP will have their IP blocked.
  64. If you want to say something that’s not English in the discussion wall, please use translate with Google Translate to understand the non-english or foreign language.
  65. Do not add a bowlful of pictures about the discontinued food, as that will only clog up this wiki, and slow down your computer, especially a old one.
  66. Do not ruin pages by adding gibberish or cantonese words, as all English people will not understand that.
  67. Do not add the Good or Featured templates to pages without an admin's permission. Instead, nominate the article you think is worthy of one of the templates.
  68. Do not speak in "textspeak" on wiki pages. And do not use the word "you". Replace "you" with "the player."
  69. Do not claim authorship.
  70. Articles should be written as factually and unbiased as possible.
  71. You are NOT allowed to change the name of any the pages or moving any page without asking Koolcyborrgforlife first.
  72. If you'd like to rename your account, you can do so with the rename tool.
  73. If i find any user that enters this wiki with a vulgar/transgender profile, i will BAN them.
  74. Do not close threads so soon without waiting for someone else to give their two cents.
  75. ONLY make pages that are about discontinued foods.
  76. If you plan on making a sandbox page, please do not use it outside of making approved pages or proposed edits to protected pages. If you wish to make unofficial pages, it is recommended to use a blog post for that.
  77. Do not remove warnings on your message wall from administrators. Doing so will be considered an act of defiance and will result in another warning.
  78. Please do not create the "discontinued foods" category! Just place basic categories--(Ex: Sodas).
  79. The foods include a variety of candies, pastries, cereals, grains, dairies, desserts, and drinks.
  80. New unregistered and guest users who visit this wiki are not welcome, only registered users can edit.
  81. Do not intrude upon conversations you are not a part of unless you were called upon by name to participate in it. Doing this multiple times will result in a warning. However, administrators are permitted to enter a conversation if they feel it is truly necessary, but they are expected not to abuse this.
  82. Whatever you do, do NOT add clone foods that are not even discontinued or that are similar to it’s discontinued counterpart! (Ex: Neilson Danish Bar; replaced by Cadbury’s Mr. Big).
  83. Do not make pages about foods that haven't EVEN released yet.
  84. Do not broadcast intimidation. Especially when creating a category that already exists (Ex: you made a category called “Pop Sodas” when there’s already a category called “Sodas”).
  85. Do not add unneeded categories to an article and pictures not relatable to the page (Ex: You post a Arctic Fox picture on Kudos Granola Bars page - the staff later deletes it because of vandalism).
  86. Backup/alt accounts are allowed, unless they are used to avoid punishment (Ex: Avoid a Block) or gain a role. Please notify admins of all personal backup accounts and suspected culprits.
  87. Do not shove agendas down the page.
  88. Please, do not add foods that were delayed! Discontinued foods only!
  89. Please do not force us to give you badges, you need to earn them yourself.
  90. Please do not post incomplete articles; if it's not finished, save the incomplete article code to your computer and post it when it's finished. By all means, use the site's page creator to test your code's functionality via the preview button, but don't actually publish it until it's complete.
  91. Do not share your sex (Ex: Straight) or fap fodder. It’s very arousing and causes problems.
  92. Do not get melodramatic around here.
  93. Do not libel neither exploit pages, it's not okay.
  94. You can proofread some articles if you want, but only if they DON'T make sense.
  95. Do not call someone a “Pepega” because that language is only used in Discord and Twitch servers and used by streamers. Also, anyone calling other people “Discord Kittens” is strictly prohibited.
  96. No writing a story about killing the companies of the people who made the foods and discontinued them! That is something too violent and will scare any little kids who visit this wiki, that is best saved for a creepypasta wiki.
  97. No ODORS (Online Daters) or PDA (Public Displays Of Affection)--If you do this with a crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend, you will be KICKED.
  98. If a user is inactive for more than 8 months, they may get demoted unless it is for a good reason or if it is a breach or hiatus.
  99. Removing information, putting random letters or messing with the articles without giving a good reason is considered a “take over” and can result in a permanent ban.
  100. If we ask you to do something, please don’t say “Fine” or “Ugh” because that is considered deliberate and un-polite to us.
  101. Do not find a way to circumvent if we ban one of your friends or BFFS, because if you do that, we will mark you as a “Escape artist”.
  102. Do not send any Discord, Blooket, Kahoot, Among Us, or Roblox game invites.
  103. Do not edit farm just to get more edits than anyone.
  104. It is recommended for you to explain what you've changed on your last edit, it's optional.
  105. Before you make a or any food-related category, please ask Koolcyborrgforlife permission first!
  106. If the blog posts don't seem to be something talking about discontinued foods, and are simply just to anger a user, such as "How much do you hate (insert username of user here)?" is also considered a form of harassment, and will not be tolerated. This goes the same for editing another editor's user page, unless you have administrative or content moderation abilities. Unless if the edit is used to alert spam users, then that's okay as long as you use it for what it's supposed to be made for.
  107. Please do not encourage users to raid.
  108. Before removing an image, make sure that it is not in a gallery first. If it is and you plan to remove it, please remove it from the gallery first, otherwise it will leave a "dead" image and make the gallery look ugly. And give proper names to your images before uploading; make sure the graphical user interface of whatever program you took the image in is not visible in the image.
  109. All caps comments are only allowed when being positive. Posting negativity will result in a consequence.
  110. Posts made intentionally to gain users' sympathy are prohibited (Ex: quitting posts, sob stories, etc.)
  111. Do not discuss any mental or personal family/health problems on the discussions page.
  112. Please do not Loophole. It is a terrible action. (ex: spell a swear F-Bomb word in a different sequence.)
  113. Posts that solicit upvotes or comments are not permitted.
  114. Please do not help other user evade their block by tell to fix or change something they break the rules on; instead, report the post. Speaking of posts, false reporting posts is strictly prohibited.
  115. Necroposting is not allowed. It is easily defined as when a user replies or bumps a post, where the last activity was 30 or more days ago.
  116. If any of the Community discussion posts appear to be either threatening or bewilderingly unmature, the admins/mods will lock the post.
  117. Talk Pages should have proper grammar.
  118. The usage of art platforms that allow bases to be adapted to users' liking is not allowed. This does not apply to profile pictures (Ex: Picrew and Gacha.)
  119. Do not post pictures that show a site's UI, AKA user interface; website link. (Ex: .com, .org, .net.)
  120. Do not edit the same page multiple times in a row.
  121. Do not share your social media with anyone!
  122. If the food makes a comeback, please contact Koolcyborrgforlife!
  123. Pages for any discontinued foods should INCLUDE:
    1. Reasons why the food was discontinued (Op: issues, problems, not much fame--etc.)
    2. Name of the discontinued food(s) to know it's appearance,
    3. Show a picture of the discontinued food to know how the food looks like. ONLY insert a transparent PNG picture (No JPG's) of the discontinued food. If you’re having trouble finding one, ask Koolcyborrgforlife ASAP.
    4. Gather information to put for the discontinued food.
    5. Label what year it was released and then what year it was discontinued.
    6. Trivia, Fun Facts, and Did You Know is optional to add.
    7. An infobox is required for a discontinued food if your comfortable with adding one.
    8. Please use Proper formatting (e.g., In source editor: Infobox then the description of item...). Also, make sure the article looks appealing.
    9. Formality Rules (e.g., Proper capitalization, no use of first-person, limit the use of second-person, etc.)

Admin Rules

  1. Please do not edit admin or moderator pages. You will get blocked for infinite if you do so.
  2. Don’t just contact us admins and mods to say “Hi”. They will not respond as it is too basic to talk about on there.
  3. Do not let us know about you leaving the wiki.
  4. When admins and mods make “admin/mod announcements” in the admin announcements category, do not comment unnecessary things.


Please consider that I made this wiki so I make the rules.

PLEASE Remember that Only admins are allowed to edit the front page and polls. Some other pages on this wiki also got protection to against spam. For some new users, at first you may find that you can not edit on some pages yet, but after a few days, when the new account badge on your profile disappears, you'll be able to contribute.

Also, if you are wondering if you can apply for a block; we haven’t planned that yet.

If you want to apply for a admin or moderator role, you have to be:

  • A frequent, active, constant-editor of this wiki for at least 5 straight months. You also need to have approximately 3,000 edits for the nomination to be agreed upon admins.
  • We have to decide if all your edits you have made (edit history) have all been good.

Please don’t be mad if we decline your apply for admin. Also if you don’t promise to be a responsible admin once your given the privileges to do so, you’ll be taken out from that position and the granted position will expire. You will also be kicked out from betraying this wiki.

Warning System

Warning Explanation Punishment
Warning 1 Warning 1 is sort of not that big of a deal. It really just a warning so you don't get future warnings. 6 Day Block
Warning 2 Warning 2 will try to teach you a lesson. We will block the person who has been warned twice for weeks depending on the severity. 2 Week Block
Warning 3 Most people won't get to here, it starts to get more intense, but Warning 3 will result in a months block. 5 Month Block
Warning 4 Unless you are stupid, you will never get here. But you will be permanently blocked if you decide to go ANY further than warning 4. Permanent Block (Infinite)

Note: i post new discontinued foods many times a day, so don't think we get thrown out easily!

Check the "All Pages" in the Explore section to see all the discontinued foods we added! (Keep in mind we are still adding more daily!), and don't mind the ones that say "Main Page", or "Discontinued Foods WIki"--as those are added by Fandom themselves and those pages are just for navigation in case you want to visit the front page again or go to the main source. Just focus on the discontinued foods to educate yourself about foods that sadly haven't seen the faith of light in years.

Thank you for understanding. If you have any questions, you are free to ask and do so as you please, and you are free to edit and comment on the posts.

Thank you for your cooperational visit to this page, it really helps.

Most importantly, enjoy learning about all these foods that got cancelled and companies have no plans in forward of bringing them back in the near future yet!

Allowed Additions

  1. “What counts as a discontinued food?”
  • Anything of a food that has been discontinued for a reason, can be added. Like I said, ONLY make a page that has clear info of WHY it’s been discontinued, and WHY was it discontinued. We allow any type of DISCONTINUED foods. And we allow discontinued foods from all replicas and themes. We allow restaurant, shop, supermarket, or farm foods that have been forgotten and heartbreakingly discontinued.
  • We surprisingly even allow old school, fridge, roasted, gangster, greasy, and expired discontinued foods. As long as you don’t put “Moldy” or “Gooey” next to the food’s title.
  • If your still unsure, feel free to check out the categories in the top navigation of our wiki to see which foodies are allowed.

2. “Do you have any tips for new editors?”

  • Before adding a discontinued food, please check first to see if it has already been added. You can look in any category or simply use the searchbar to see if the food already has an existing page. If your using a computer, move your cursor to the bottom of the wiki and click the “Browse” to see all existing categories.
  • When creating the discontinued food pages, please refer to an existing one as reference and follow the same structure. Fill out the infobox with an image of the food as well as the other information it asks for.
  • CATEGORIES are very important! Make sure that after you create a page, you add it to the correct categories. You can refer to other pages to see what categories they have been given. Also add the kind of tag regarding the verification of the food. If the typic type is unknown, you don't need to add a typic tag. You must also add it to the category for the company it was made in. Lastly, the food is added to a specific food category. You can look at the list of Foods to see which exist.
  • Because of abusive and over uploading, limitations to the amount of images permitted to the galleries will be put into effect immediately. The Discontinued Foods Wiki administration asks that you use common sense when uploading new pictures, and be less as possible. Use common sense. Try not to upload an enormous amount of images, or allow overwhelming idolization influence the decisions you make. Failure to comply to these restrictions will have evacuated consequences. Please adhere to Discontinued Foods Wiki image policy and Fandom's terms of use when embedding new videos and uploading new photos. If you can’t upload or aren't able to use a image or file under the policies of Discontinued Foods Wiki, try something else and please close this dialog and to work out another method. You may also want to try the default upload page.
  • Articles should be around 600 words minimum, after that you CANNOT add more, as it’s considered way too much information. Unless information on the topic is scarce. Longer articles are perfectly fine if there is an abundance of information on the subject, just try not to include any excessive or unnecessary content.

3. “Have any food details to mention?”

  • As of now, most pages may not have a lot of information, and the goal is simply to make a page for each food to confirm its existence. Feel free to add a summary or additional information about the food on the page.
  • As you can see, there are still a INFINITE amount of discontinued foods missing from this wiki, so if any discontinued food gets reminded in your head; make a page to considerably expand this wiki’s potential presence/popularity/support.

4. “Lend A Helping Hand?”

  • The Discontinued Foods Wiki is always growing and could use your help. Please read our rules and guidelines repeatedly at times before editing and engaging with other active users to keep the community safe, fun, generous, and educational for everyone.

5. "How can we help out?"

  • Proofread and correct spelling/grammar.
  • Optimize stub pages you encounter,
  • Expand empty or nonexistent gallery pages/sections.
  • Delete or replace irrelevant or low-quality images.
  • Include links to pages when necessary. If there is a name, place, or thing that links to an article, link it (Ex: Zebra Cakes are part of the cookies collection.)
  • Fix red links that are addressed as redirects but are redirected to a page that does not exist, and are colored in red.
  • The first occurrence of the page's subject must be bold. All subsequent occurrences should be normal text (Ex: The Haagan-Dazs Black Walnut Ice Cream is discontinued, but is sometimes still sold on country sites who still hold it.)
  • When writing dates, write out the month and the year at minimum and in the acceptable format.
    • This includes the following allowed, correct ways to label a date:
      • Acceptable: "November 2018"
      • Acceptable: The whole date is preferred. If there is a day, write it as: "November 24, 2019", for example.
      • Incorrect: "11-24-2019", "24-11-2019", "24 November 2019"

6. "Can we reject vandalism?"

You can follow these quick steps to check for vandalism or avoid it:

  • Compare the page's edit history by selecting an older edit and the most recent version of the page.
  • Review content marked in red, which highlights deletions made since the earlier edit was published.
  • Re-add any relevant information that was previously deleted by editing the most recent version of the page, and save your changes.

7. "Have some areas to share?"

  • Wanted pages - Create a new page to add it to the wiki.
  • Pages needing categories - Help organize the site.
  • Pages without links - Add links to related pages.
  • Pages without links to them - Find a related page on the wiki and link it back.
  • Pages with low contributions - See if there's anything to add to or improve.

Not sure where to start?

  • Discover more about the community by exploring the wiki. Go to a random page or click on some trending pages and learn about the foods.
  • Check out our Discussions to chat and meet some new people. And see the latest news.
  • To learn a little more about our manual of style, please see our Community Policy.
  • To explore a little more from this view, go check out links around this wiki.
  • Check out our community dashboard Analytics to see the rise of our wiki. All reports are generated, all data are aggregated according to UTC timezone.
  • If your bored or having nothing to do, go to the community and do a poll or give the fandom a text and meet new people.
  • If you would like to know what would happen to your information if you show it, check out the Do Not Sell My Info section.
  • If you already have editing experience and have an article relating to Discontinued Foods Wiki to contribute, use the box below to create it:<createbox>width=30</createbox>
  • If you are new to Fandom, see the tutorials at Community Central and learn the ins and outs of contributing to your favorite fandoms.

See Something Missing?


Want to affiliate with The Discontinued Foods Wiki? We accept affiliates of related genres and subjects! Please contact the administrator with your affiliation request.

Stay In Touch

Want to contact the admin if you experience a bug, have a concern, or want to report a bad behaved user? Go for it!

Reaching Out

Asking for help: If you have any enquiries about the wiki or any of the discontinued foods, please contact an active administrator on their message wall. For Fandom-related problems that cannot be handled by this wiki's administrative team, use Special:Contact instead.

Size Of Images

Photo files are a great way to add creative visuals to your wiki. Add one below a page.

Maximum: 298px.

Latest News

See What’s happening on the Discontinued Foods Wiki….

Sorted by: February 2022 (ATM)

  • Monday, February 12th, 2022 -- We are trying to find a way to add other languages to this wiki so in the bottom of this page there can be a “Other Languages” for you to choose from Spanish to Chinese.
  • Monday, February 14th, 2022 -- Our wiki now has a official Favicon now! Go check the corner of the link you use to visit our website and check it, it should be there; it's a hand holding a safetray in a light blue background.

Featured Quote

“Cute flavors as big and bold as Texas. They get a big bowl tape”.

Cowboy to Ernie The Elf. On a Commercial of Munch Ems’.



👄“What inspired you to make this wiki?”


❓Answer: I loved learning about discontinued foods ever since I came across a article from ‘Eat This, Not That!’ called “50 Classic Foods That No Longer Exist”. There was many foods that interested me in the list, all of them looked so yummy, and shouldn’t been discontinued in the first place. I saw the article in September 2021, so later in December 2021 I made a wiki about it due to my deep curiosity on a hunt for Discontinued Foods. I was cravin' the dream (pun intended).


Per FANDOM's Terms-of-Use and COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act), you must be 13 years of age or older to edit on the Discontinued Foods Wiki or any wiki. This wiki is for archival and educational purposes only and is not meant to gain any revenue. It's a fan-made project and is not affiliated or maintained with their subsidiaries from the official manufacturer. The Discontinued Foods Wiki claims no ownership of copyrighted media belonging to the discontinued foods that are really not subject to copyright, and they come from their respective owners.


Unnamed (42)

Logo for Discontinued Foods Wiki,

"Chester Cheetah, Red M&M, Osito, and Kool-Aid Man hanging out together by the colorful logo for Discontinued Foods Wiki".


Other Wikis

Even though the Discontinued Foods Wiki is one of our highest quality wikis yet, here are some of my other wikis to take a trip to:

  1. https://dancing-moontime-productions.fandom.com/wiki/Dancing_Moontime_Productions_Wiki
  2. https://greatest-shows.fandom.com/wiki/Greatest_Shows_Wiki
  3. https://brilliant-roblox-games.fandom.com/wiki/Brilliant_Roblox_Games_Wiki